Beantown Sports Guys is a blog based in the heart of New England that was started by two guys that live, eat, and breathe Boston sports.
Dan Hynds - born and raised in Boston for the first thirteen years of his life, Dan started going to Fenway when he was a kid with his grandparents, back when Sox tickets were so easy to get most of the bleacher seats were half full. Dan has been to countless Sox games (although every time he sees them it seems they are playing Toronto and Wakefield is pitching), many Patriots games, including the famous Snow Bowl in 2001, as well as a number of Bruins and Celtics games. Dan loves to write and loves sports, so he figured why not write about them?
Steve Johnson - born and raised in Rhode Island and now living in New Hampshire, Steve is your above average Boston fan: he can talk the talk and walk the walk. The term 'fair weather' means its a good day to catch a game to Steve, as he stands by his Boston teams even in their darkest days. Steve has also been to countless Sox games and tries to get to as many as he can each season, and he does the same with the Celtics and Patriots. Steve is an avid writer like Dan and loves writing almost as much as the Celtics.
Steve and Dan were pivotal in starting the "Wife-beater!" chant directed at Jason Kidd during the Celtics 2002 playoff game against the Nets. Although the media over reacted about the chant, beating women is very serious, and bringing attention to it is never a bad thing.